You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

853 lines
25 KiB

from collections import OrderedDict
from import Iterable
from datetime import timedelta
from itertools import chain
from django import forms
from django.core.validators import MaxValueValidator
from django.db.models import Q
from django.db.models.constants import LOOKUP_SEP
from django.forms.utils import pretty_name
from django.utils.timezone import now
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from .conf import settings
from .constants import EMPTY_VALUES
from .fields import (
from .utils import get_model_field, label_for_filter
__all__ = [
class Filter:
creation_counter = 0
field_class = forms.Field
def __init__(
if lookup_expr is None:
lookup_expr = settings.DEFAULT_LOOKUP_EXPR
self.field_name = field_name
self.lookup_expr = lookup_expr
self.label = label
self.method = method
self.distinct = distinct
self.exclude = exclude
self.extra = kwargs
self.extra.setdefault("required", False)
self.creation_counter = Filter.creation_counter
Filter.creation_counter += 1
def get_method(self, qs):
"""Return filter method based on whether we're excluding
or simply filtering.
return qs.exclude if self.exclude else qs.filter
def method():
Filter method needs to be lazily resolved, as it may be dependent on
the 'parent' FilterSet.
def fget(self):
return self._method
def fset(self, value):
self._method = value
# clear existing FilterMethod
if isinstance(self.filter, FilterMethod):
del self.filter
# override filter w/ FilterMethod.
if value is not None:
self.filter = FilterMethod(self)
return locals()
method = property(**method())
def label():
def fget(self):
if self._label is None and hasattr(self, "model"):
self._label = label_for_filter(
self.model, self.field_name, self.lookup_expr, self.exclude
return self._label
def fset(self, value):
self._label = value
return locals()
label = property(**label())
def field(self):
if not hasattr(self, "_field"):
field_kwargs = self.extra.copy()
if settings.DISABLE_HELP_TEXT:
field_kwargs.pop("help_text", None)
self._field = self.field_class(label=self.label, **field_kwargs)
return self._field
def filter(self, qs, value):
if value in EMPTY_VALUES:
return qs
if self.distinct:
qs = qs.distinct()
lookup = "%s__%s" % (self.field_name, self.lookup_expr)
qs = self.get_method(qs)(**{lookup: value})
return qs
class CharFilter(Filter):
field_class = forms.CharField
class BooleanFilter(Filter):
field_class = forms.NullBooleanField
class ChoiceFilter(Filter):
field_class = ChoiceField
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.null_value = kwargs.get("null_value", settings.NULL_CHOICE_VALUE)
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def filter(self, qs, value):
if value != self.null_value:
return super().filter(qs, value)
qs = self.get_method(qs)(
**{"%s__%s" % (self.field_name, self.lookup_expr): None}
return qs.distinct() if self.distinct else qs
class TypedChoiceFilter(Filter):
field_class = forms.TypedChoiceField
class UUIDFilter(Filter):
field_class = forms.UUIDField
class MultipleChoiceFilter(Filter):
This filter performs OR(by default) or AND(using conjoined=True) query
on the selected options.
Advanced usage
Depending on your application logic, when all or no choices are selected,
filtering may be a no-operation. In this case you may wish to avoid the
filtering overhead, particularly if using a `distinct` call.
You can override `get_filter_predicate` to use a custom filter.
By default it will use the filter's name for the key, and the value will
be the model object - or in case of passing in `to_field_name` the
value of that attribute on the model.
Set `always_filter` to `False` after instantiation to enable the default
`is_noop` test. You can override `is_noop` if you need a different test
for your application.
`distinct` defaults to `True` as to-many relationships will generally
require this.
field_class = MultipleChoiceField
always_filter = True
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
kwargs.setdefault("distinct", True)
self.conjoined = kwargs.pop("conjoined", False)
self.null_value = kwargs.get("null_value", settings.NULL_CHOICE_VALUE)
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def is_noop(self, qs, value):
Return `True` to short-circuit unnecessary and potentially slow
if self.always_filter:
return False
# A reasonable default for being a noop...
if self.extra.get("required") and len(value) == len(self.field.choices):
return True
return False
def filter(self, qs, value):
if not value:
# Even though not a noop, no point filtering if empty.
return qs
if self.is_noop(qs, value):
return qs
if not self.conjoined:
q = Q()
for v in set(value):
if v == self.null_value:
v = None
predicate = self.get_filter_predicate(v)
if self.conjoined:
qs = self.get_method(qs)(**predicate)
q |= Q(**predicate)
if not self.conjoined:
qs = self.get_method(qs)(q)
return qs.distinct() if self.distinct else qs
def get_filter_predicate(self, v):
name = self.field_name
if name and self.lookup_expr != settings.DEFAULT_LOOKUP_EXPR:
name = LOOKUP_SEP.join([name, self.lookup_expr])
return {name: getattr(v, self.field.to_field_name)}
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
return {name: v}
class TypedMultipleChoiceFilter(MultipleChoiceFilter):
field_class = forms.TypedMultipleChoiceField
class DateFilter(Filter):
field_class = forms.DateField
class DateTimeFilter(Filter):
field_class = forms.DateTimeField
class IsoDateTimeFilter(DateTimeFilter):
Uses IsoDateTimeField to support filtering on ISO 8601 formatted datetimes.
For context see:
field_class = IsoDateTimeField
class TimeFilter(Filter):
field_class = forms.TimeField
class DurationFilter(Filter):
field_class = forms.DurationField
class QuerySetRequestMixin:
Add callable functionality to filters that support the ``queryset``
argument. If the ``queryset`` is callable, then it **must** accept the
``request`` object as a single argument.
This is useful for filtering querysets by properties on the ``request``
object, such as the user.
def departments(request):
company =
return company.department_set.all()
class EmployeeFilter(filters.FilterSet):
department = filters.ModelChoiceFilter(queryset=departments)
The above example restricts the set of departments to those in the logged-in
user's associated company.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.queryset = kwargs.get("queryset")
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def get_request(self):
return self.parent.request
except AttributeError:
return None
def get_queryset(self, request):
queryset = self.queryset
if callable(queryset):
return queryset(request)
return queryset
def field(self):
request = self.get_request()
queryset = self.get_queryset(request)
if queryset is not None:
self.extra["queryset"] = queryset
return super().field
class ModelChoiceFilter(QuerySetRequestMixin, ChoiceFilter):
field_class = ModelChoiceField
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
kwargs.setdefault("empty_label", settings.EMPTY_CHOICE_LABEL)
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class ModelMultipleChoiceFilter(QuerySetRequestMixin, MultipleChoiceFilter):
field_class = ModelMultipleChoiceField
class NumberFilter(Filter):
field_class = forms.DecimalField
def get_max_validator(self):
Return a MaxValueValidator for the field, or None to disable.
return MaxValueValidator(1e50)
def field(self):
if not hasattr(self, "_field"):
field = super().field
max_validator = self.get_max_validator()
if max_validator:
self._field = field
return self._field
class NumericRangeFilter(Filter):
field_class = RangeField
def filter(self, qs, value):
if value:
if value.start is not None and value.stop is not None:
value = (value.start, value.stop)
elif value.start is not None:
self.lookup_expr = "startswith"
value = value.start
elif value.stop is not None:
self.lookup_expr = "endswith"
value = value.stop
return super().filter(qs, value)
class RangeFilter(Filter):
field_class = RangeField
def filter(self, qs, value):
if value:
if value.start is not None and value.stop is not None:
self.lookup_expr = "range"
value = (value.start, value.stop)
elif value.start is not None:
self.lookup_expr = "gte"
value = value.start
elif value.stop is not None:
self.lookup_expr = "lte"
value = value.stop
return super().filter(qs, value)
def _truncate(dt):
class DateRangeFilter(ChoiceFilter):
choices = [
("today", _("Today")),
("yesterday", _("Yesterday")),
("week", _("Past 7 days")),
("month", _("This month")),
("year", _("This year")),
filters = {
"today": lambda qs, name: qs.filter(
"%s__year" % name: now().year,
"%s__month" % name: now().month,
"%s__day" % name: now().day,
"yesterday": lambda qs, name: qs.filter(
"%s__year" % name: (now() - timedelta(days=1)).year,
"%s__month" % name: (now() - timedelta(days=1)).month,
"%s__day" % name: (now() - timedelta(days=1)).day,
"week": lambda qs, name: qs.filter(
"%s__gte" % name: _truncate(now() - timedelta(days=7)),
"%s__lt" % name: _truncate(now() + timedelta(days=1)),
"month": lambda qs, name: qs.filter(
**{"%s__year" % name: now().year, "%s__month" % name: now().month}
"year": lambda qs, name: qs.filter(
"%s__year" % name: now().year,
def __init__(self, choices=None, filters=None, *args, **kwargs):
if choices is not None:
self.choices = choices
if filters is not None:
self.filters = filters
all_choices = list(
[subchoice[0] for subchoice in choice[1]]
if isinstance(choice[1], (list, tuple)) # This is an optgroup
else [choice[0]]
for choice in self.choices
unique = set(all_choices) ^ set(self.filters)
assert not unique, (
"Keys must be present in both 'choices' and 'filters'. Missing keys: "
"'%s'" % ", ".join(sorted(unique))
# null choice not relevant
kwargs.setdefault("null_label", None)
super().__init__(choices=self.choices, *args, **kwargs)
def filter(self, qs, value):
if not value:
return qs
assert value in self.filters
qs = self.filters[value](qs, self.field_name)
return qs.distinct() if self.distinct else qs
class DateFromToRangeFilter(RangeFilter):
field_class = DateRangeField
class DateTimeFromToRangeFilter(RangeFilter):
field_class = DateTimeRangeField
class IsoDateTimeFromToRangeFilter(RangeFilter):
field_class = IsoDateTimeRangeField
class TimeRangeFilter(RangeFilter):
field_class = TimeRangeField
class AllValuesFilter(ChoiceFilter):
def field(self):
qs = self.model._default_manager.distinct()
qs = qs.order_by(self.field_name).values_list(self.field_name, flat=True)
self.extra["choices"] = [(o, o) for o in qs]
return super().field
class AllValuesMultipleFilter(MultipleChoiceFilter):
def field(self):
qs = self.model._default_manager.distinct()
qs = qs.order_by(self.field_name).values_list(self.field_name, flat=True)
self.extra["choices"] = [(o, o) for o in qs]
return super().field
class BaseCSVFilter(Filter):
Base class for CSV type filters, such as IN and RANGE.
base_field_class = BaseCSVField
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
kwargs.setdefault("help_text", _("Multiple values may be separated by commas."))
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class ConcreteCSVField(self.base_field_class, self.field_class):
ConcreteCSVField.__name__ = self._field_class_name(
self.field_class, self.lookup_expr
self.field_class = ConcreteCSVField
def _field_class_name(cls, field_class, lookup_expr):
Generate a suitable class name for the concrete field class. This is not
completely reliable, as not all field class names are of the format
BaseCSVFilter._field_class_name(DateTimeField, 'year__in')
returns 'DateTimeYearInField'
# DateTimeField => DateTime
type_name = field_class.__name__
if type_name.endswith("Field"):
type_name = type_name[:-5]
# year__in => YearIn
parts = lookup_expr.split(LOOKUP_SEP)
expression_name = "".join(p.capitalize() for p in parts)
# DateTimeYearInField
return str("%s%sField" % (type_name, expression_name))
class BaseInFilter(BaseCSVFilter):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
kwargs.setdefault("lookup_expr", "in")
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class BaseRangeFilter(BaseCSVFilter):
base_field_class = BaseRangeField
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
kwargs.setdefault("lookup_expr", "range")
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class LookupChoiceFilter(Filter):
A combined filter that allows users to select the lookup expression from a dropdown.
* ``lookup_choices`` is an optional argument that accepts multiple input
formats, and is ultimately normalized as the choices used in the lookup
dropdown. See ``.get_lookup_choices()`` for more information.
* ``field_class`` is an optional argument that allows you to set the inner
form field class used to validate the value. Default: ``forms.CharField``
price = django_filters.LookupChoiceFilter(
('exact', 'Equals'),
('gt', 'Greater than'),
('lt', 'Less than'),
field_class = forms.CharField
outer_class = LookupChoiceField
def __init__(
self, field_name=None, lookup_choices=None, field_class=None, **kwargs
self.empty_label = kwargs.pop("empty_label", settings.EMPTY_CHOICE_LABEL)
super(LookupChoiceFilter, self).__init__(field_name=field_name, **kwargs)
self.lookup_choices = lookup_choices
if field_class is not None:
self.field_class = field_class
def normalize_lookup(cls, lookup):
Normalize the lookup into a tuple of ``(lookup expression, display value)``
If the ``lookup`` is already a tuple, the tuple is not altered.
If the ``lookup`` is a string, a tuple is returned with the lookup
expression used as the basis for the display value.
>>> LookupChoiceFilter.normalize_lookup(('exact', 'Equals'))
('exact', 'Equals')
>>> LookupChoiceFilter.normalize_lookup('has_key')
('has_key', 'Has key')
if isinstance(lookup, str):
return (lookup, pretty_name(lookup))
return (lookup[0], lookup[1])
def get_lookup_choices(self):
Get the lookup choices in a format suitable for ``django.forms.ChoiceField``.
If the filter is initialized with ``lookup_choices``, this value is normalized
and passed to the underlying ``LookupChoiceField``. If no choices are provided,
they are generated from the corresponding model field's registered lookups.
lookups = self.lookup_choices
if lookups is None:
field = get_model_field(self.model, self.field_name)
lookups = field.get_lookups()
return [self.normalize_lookup(lookup) for lookup in lookups]
def field(self):
if not hasattr(self, "_field"):
inner_field = super().field
lookups = self.get_lookup_choices()
self._field = self.outer_class(
return self._field
def filter(self, qs, lookup):
if not lookup:
return super().filter(qs, None)
self.lookup_expr = lookup.lookup_expr
return super().filter(qs, lookup.value)
class OrderingFilter(BaseCSVFilter, ChoiceFilter):
Enable queryset ordering. As an extension of ``ChoiceFilter`` it accepts
two additional arguments that are used to build the ordering choices.
* ``fields`` is a mapping of {model field name: parameter name}. The
parameter names are exposed in the choices and mask/alias the field
names used in the ``order_by()`` call. Similar to field ``choices``,
``fields`` accepts the 'list of two-tuples' syntax that retains order.
``fields`` may also just be an iterable of strings. In this case, the
field names simply double as the exposed parameter names.
* ``field_labels`` is an optional argument that allows you to customize
the display label for the corresponding parameter. It accepts a mapping
of {field name: human readable label}. Keep in mind that the key is the
field name, and not the exposed parameter name.
Additionally, you can just provide your own ``choices`` if you require
explicit control over the exposed options. For example, when you might
want to disable descending sort options.
This filter is also CSV-based, and accepts multiple ordering params. The
default select widget does not enable the use of this, but it is useful
for APIs.
descending_fmt = _("%s (descending)")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
``fields`` may be either a mapping or an iterable.
``field_labels`` must be a map of field names to display labels
fields = kwargs.pop("fields", {})
fields = self.normalize_fields(fields)
field_labels = kwargs.pop("field_labels", {})
self.param_map = {v: k for k, v in fields.items()}
if "choices" not in kwargs:
kwargs["choices"] = self.build_choices(fields, field_labels)
kwargs.setdefault("label", _("Ordering"))
kwargs.setdefault("help_text", "")
kwargs.setdefault("null_label", None)
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def get_ordering_value(self, param):
descending = param.startswith("-")
param = param[1:] if descending else param
field_name = self.param_map.get(param, param)
return "-%s" % field_name if descending else field_name
def filter(self, qs, value):
if value in EMPTY_VALUES:
return qs
ordering = [
for param in value
if param not in EMPTY_VALUES
return qs.order_by(*ordering)
def normalize_fields(cls, fields):
Normalize the fields into an ordered map of {field name: param name}
# fields is a mapping, copy into new OrderedDict
if isinstance(fields, dict):
return OrderedDict(fields)
# convert iterable of values => iterable of pairs (field name, param name)
assert isinstance(
fields, Iterable
), "'fields' must be an iterable (e.g., a list, tuple, or mapping)."
# fields is an iterable of field names
assert all(
isinstance(field, str)
or isinstance(field, Iterable)
and len(field) == 2 # may need to be wrapped in parens
for field in fields
), "'fields' must contain strings or (field name, param name) pairs."
return OrderedDict([(f, f) if isinstance(f, str) else f for f in fields])
def build_choices(self, fields, labels):
ascending = [
(param, labels.get(field, _(pretty_name(param))))
for field, param in fields.items()
descending = [
("-%s" % param, labels.get("-%s" % param, self.descending_fmt % label))
for param, label in ascending
# interleave the ascending and descending choices
return [val for pair in zip(ascending, descending) for val in pair]
class FilterMethod:
This helper is used to override Filter.filter() when a 'method' argument
is passed. It proxies the call to the actual method on the filter's parent.
def __init__(self, filter_instance):
self.f = filter_instance
def __call__(self, qs, value):
if value in EMPTY_VALUES:
return qs
return self.method(qs, self.f.field_name, value)
def method(self):
Resolve the method on the parent filterset.
instance = self.f
# noop if 'method' is a function
if callable(instance.method):
return instance.method
# otherwise, method is the name of a method on the parent FilterSet.
assert hasattr(
instance, "parent"
), "Filter '%s' must have a parent FilterSet to find '.%s()'" % (
parent = instance.parent
method = getattr(parent, instance.method, None)
assert callable(
), "Expected parent FilterSet '%s.%s' to have a '.%s()' method." % (
return method

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