from collections import OrderedDict from import Iterable from datetime import timedelta from itertools import chain from django import forms from django.core.validators import MaxValueValidator from django.db.models import Q from django.db.models.constants import LOOKUP_SEP from django.forms.utils import pretty_name from django.utils.timezone import now from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from .conf import settings from .constants import EMPTY_VALUES from .fields import ( BaseCSVField, BaseRangeField, ChoiceField, DateRangeField, DateTimeRangeField, IsoDateTimeField, IsoDateTimeRangeField, LookupChoiceField, ModelChoiceField, ModelMultipleChoiceField, MultipleChoiceField, RangeField, TimeRangeField, ) from .utils import get_model_field, label_for_filter __all__ = [ "AllValuesFilter", "AllValuesMultipleFilter", "BaseCSVFilter", "BaseInFilter", "BaseRangeFilter", "BooleanFilter", "CharFilter", "ChoiceFilter", "DateFilter", "DateFromToRangeFilter", "DateRangeFilter", "DateTimeFilter", "DateTimeFromToRangeFilter", "DurationFilter", "Filter", "IsoDateTimeFilter", "IsoDateTimeFromToRangeFilter", "LookupChoiceFilter", "ModelChoiceFilter", "ModelMultipleChoiceFilter", "MultipleChoiceFilter", "NumberFilter", "NumericRangeFilter", "OrderingFilter", "RangeFilter", "TimeFilter", "TimeRangeFilter", "TypedChoiceFilter", "TypedMultipleChoiceFilter", "UUIDFilter", ] class Filter: creation_counter = 0 field_class = forms.Field def __init__( self, field_name=None, lookup_expr=None, *, label=None, method=None, distinct=False, exclude=False, **kwargs ): if lookup_expr is None: lookup_expr = settings.DEFAULT_LOOKUP_EXPR self.field_name = field_name self.lookup_expr = lookup_expr self.label = label self.method = method self.distinct = distinct self.exclude = exclude self.extra = kwargs self.extra.setdefault("required", False) self.creation_counter = Filter.creation_counter Filter.creation_counter += 1 def get_method(self, qs): """Return filter method based on whether we're excluding or simply filtering. """ return qs.exclude if self.exclude else qs.filter def method(): """ Filter method needs to be lazily resolved, as it may be dependent on the 'parent' FilterSet. """ def fget(self): return self._method def fset(self, value): self._method = value # clear existing FilterMethod if isinstance(self.filter, FilterMethod): del self.filter # override filter w/ FilterMethod. if value is not None: self.filter = FilterMethod(self) return locals() method = property(**method()) def label(): def fget(self): if self._label is None and hasattr(self, "model"): self._label = label_for_filter( self.model, self.field_name, self.lookup_expr, self.exclude ) return self._label def fset(self, value): self._label = value return locals() label = property(**label()) @property def field(self): if not hasattr(self, "_field"): field_kwargs = self.extra.copy() if settings.DISABLE_HELP_TEXT: field_kwargs.pop("help_text", None) self._field = self.field_class(label=self.label, **field_kwargs) return self._field def filter(self, qs, value): if value in EMPTY_VALUES: return qs if self.distinct: qs = qs.distinct() lookup = "%s__%s" % (self.field_name, self.lookup_expr) qs = self.get_method(qs)(**{lookup: value}) return qs class CharFilter(Filter): field_class = forms.CharField class BooleanFilter(Filter): field_class = forms.NullBooleanField class ChoiceFilter(Filter): field_class = ChoiceField def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.null_value = kwargs.get("null_value", settings.NULL_CHOICE_VALUE) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def filter(self, qs, value): if value != self.null_value: return super().filter(qs, value) qs = self.get_method(qs)( **{"%s__%s" % (self.field_name, self.lookup_expr): None} ) return qs.distinct() if self.distinct else qs class TypedChoiceFilter(Filter): field_class = forms.TypedChoiceField class UUIDFilter(Filter): field_class = forms.UUIDField class MultipleChoiceFilter(Filter): """ This filter performs OR(by default) or AND(using conjoined=True) query on the selected options. Advanced usage -------------- Depending on your application logic, when all or no choices are selected, filtering may be a no-operation. In this case you may wish to avoid the filtering overhead, particularly if using a `distinct` call. You can override `get_filter_predicate` to use a custom filter. By default it will use the filter's name for the key, and the value will be the model object - or in case of passing in `to_field_name` the value of that attribute on the model. Set `always_filter` to `False` after instantiation to enable the default `is_noop` test. You can override `is_noop` if you need a different test for your application. `distinct` defaults to `True` as to-many relationships will generally require this. """ field_class = MultipleChoiceField always_filter = True def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("distinct", True) self.conjoined = kwargs.pop("conjoined", False) self.null_value = kwargs.get("null_value", settings.NULL_CHOICE_VALUE) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def is_noop(self, qs, value): """ Return `True` to short-circuit unnecessary and potentially slow filtering. """ if self.always_filter: return False # A reasonable default for being a noop... if self.extra.get("required") and len(value) == len(self.field.choices): return True return False def filter(self, qs, value): if not value: # Even though not a noop, no point filtering if empty. return qs if self.is_noop(qs, value): return qs if not self.conjoined: q = Q() for v in set(value): if v == self.null_value: v = None predicate = self.get_filter_predicate(v) if self.conjoined: qs = self.get_method(qs)(**predicate) else: q |= Q(**predicate) if not self.conjoined: qs = self.get_method(qs)(q) return qs.distinct() if self.distinct else qs def get_filter_predicate(self, v): name = self.field_name if name and self.lookup_expr != settings.DEFAULT_LOOKUP_EXPR: name = LOOKUP_SEP.join([name, self.lookup_expr]) try: return {name: getattr(v, self.field.to_field_name)} except (AttributeError, TypeError): return {name: v} class TypedMultipleChoiceFilter(MultipleChoiceFilter): field_class = forms.TypedMultipleChoiceField class DateFilter(Filter): field_class = forms.DateField class DateTimeFilter(Filter): field_class = forms.DateTimeField class IsoDateTimeFilter(DateTimeFilter): """ Uses IsoDateTimeField to support filtering on ISO 8601 formatted datetimes. For context see: * * * """ field_class = IsoDateTimeField class TimeFilter(Filter): field_class = forms.TimeField class DurationFilter(Filter): field_class = forms.DurationField class QuerySetRequestMixin: """ Add callable functionality to filters that support the ``queryset`` argument. If the ``queryset`` is callable, then it **must** accept the ``request`` object as a single argument. This is useful for filtering querysets by properties on the ``request`` object, such as the user. Example:: def departments(request): company = return company.department_set.all() class EmployeeFilter(filters.FilterSet): department = filters.ModelChoiceFilter(queryset=departments) ... The above example restricts the set of departments to those in the logged-in user's associated company. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.queryset = kwargs.get("queryset") super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def get_request(self): try: return self.parent.request except AttributeError: return None def get_queryset(self, request): queryset = self.queryset if callable(queryset): return queryset(request) return queryset @property def field(self): request = self.get_request() queryset = self.get_queryset(request) if queryset is not None: self.extra["queryset"] = queryset return super().field class ModelChoiceFilter(QuerySetRequestMixin, ChoiceFilter): field_class = ModelChoiceField def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("empty_label", settings.EMPTY_CHOICE_LABEL) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) class ModelMultipleChoiceFilter(QuerySetRequestMixin, MultipleChoiceFilter): field_class = ModelMultipleChoiceField class NumberFilter(Filter): field_class = forms.DecimalField def get_max_validator(self): """ Return a MaxValueValidator for the field, or None to disable. """ return MaxValueValidator(1e50) @property def field(self): if not hasattr(self, "_field"): field = super().field max_validator = self.get_max_validator() if max_validator: field.validators.append(max_validator) self._field = field return self._field class NumericRangeFilter(Filter): field_class = RangeField def filter(self, qs, value): if value: if value.start is not None and value.stop is not None: value = (value.start, value.stop) elif value.start is not None: self.lookup_expr = "startswith" value = value.start elif value.stop is not None: self.lookup_expr = "endswith" value = value.stop return super().filter(qs, value) class RangeFilter(Filter): field_class = RangeField def filter(self, qs, value): if value: if value.start is not None and value.stop is not None: self.lookup_expr = "range" value = (value.start, value.stop) elif value.start is not None: self.lookup_expr = "gte" value = value.start elif value.stop is not None: self.lookup_expr = "lte" value = value.stop return super().filter(qs, value) def _truncate(dt): return class DateRangeFilter(ChoiceFilter): choices = [ ("today", _("Today")), ("yesterday", _("Yesterday")), ("week", _("Past 7 days")), ("month", _("This month")), ("year", _("This year")), ] filters = { "today": lambda qs, name: qs.filter( **{ "%s__year" % name: now().year, "%s__month" % name: now().month, "%s__day" % name: now().day, } ), "yesterday": lambda qs, name: qs.filter( **{ "%s__year" % name: (now() - timedelta(days=1)).year, "%s__month" % name: (now() - timedelta(days=1)).month, "%s__day" % name: (now() - timedelta(days=1)).day, } ), "week": lambda qs, name: qs.filter( **{ "%s__gte" % name: _truncate(now() - timedelta(days=7)), "%s__lt" % name: _truncate(now() + timedelta(days=1)), } ), "month": lambda qs, name: qs.filter( **{"%s__year" % name: now().year, "%s__month" % name: now().month} ), "year": lambda qs, name: qs.filter( **{ "%s__year" % name: now().year, } ), } def __init__(self, choices=None, filters=None, *args, **kwargs): if choices is not None: self.choices = choices if filters is not None: self.filters = filters all_choices = list( chain.from_iterable( [subchoice[0] for subchoice in choice[1]] if isinstance(choice[1], (list, tuple)) # This is an optgroup else [choice[0]] for choice in self.choices ) ) unique = set(all_choices) ^ set(self.filters) assert not unique, ( "Keys must be present in both 'choices' and 'filters'. Missing keys: " "'%s'" % ", ".join(sorted(unique)) ) # null choice not relevant kwargs.setdefault("null_label", None) super().__init__(choices=self.choices, *args, **kwargs) def filter(self, qs, value): if not value: return qs assert value in self.filters qs = self.filters[value](qs, self.field_name) return qs.distinct() if self.distinct else qs class DateFromToRangeFilter(RangeFilter): field_class = DateRangeField class DateTimeFromToRangeFilter(RangeFilter): field_class = DateTimeRangeField class IsoDateTimeFromToRangeFilter(RangeFilter): field_class = IsoDateTimeRangeField class TimeRangeFilter(RangeFilter): field_class = TimeRangeField class AllValuesFilter(ChoiceFilter): @property def field(self): qs = self.model._default_manager.distinct() qs = qs.order_by(self.field_name).values_list(self.field_name, flat=True) self.extra["choices"] = [(o, o) for o in qs] return super().field class AllValuesMultipleFilter(MultipleChoiceFilter): @property def field(self): qs = self.model._default_manager.distinct() qs = qs.order_by(self.field_name).values_list(self.field_name, flat=True) self.extra["choices"] = [(o, o) for o in qs] return super().field class BaseCSVFilter(Filter): """ Base class for CSV type filters, such as IN and RANGE. """ base_field_class = BaseCSVField def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("help_text", _("Multiple values may be separated by commas.")) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) class ConcreteCSVField(self.base_field_class, self.field_class): pass ConcreteCSVField.__name__ = self._field_class_name( self.field_class, self.lookup_expr ) self.field_class = ConcreteCSVField @classmethod def _field_class_name(cls, field_class, lookup_expr): """ Generate a suitable class name for the concrete field class. This is not completely reliable, as not all field class names are of the format Field. ex:: BaseCSVFilter._field_class_name(DateTimeField, 'year__in') returns 'DateTimeYearInField' """ # DateTimeField => DateTime type_name = field_class.__name__ if type_name.endswith("Field"): type_name = type_name[:-5] # year__in => YearIn parts = lookup_expr.split(LOOKUP_SEP) expression_name = "".join(p.capitalize() for p in parts) # DateTimeYearInField return str("%s%sField" % (type_name, expression_name)) class BaseInFilter(BaseCSVFilter): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("lookup_expr", "in") super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) class BaseRangeFilter(BaseCSVFilter): base_field_class = BaseRangeField def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("lookup_expr", "range") super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) class LookupChoiceFilter(Filter): """ A combined filter that allows users to select the lookup expression from a dropdown. * ``lookup_choices`` is an optional argument that accepts multiple input formats, and is ultimately normalized as the choices used in the lookup dropdown. See ``.get_lookup_choices()`` for more information. * ``field_class`` is an optional argument that allows you to set the inner form field class used to validate the value. Default: ``forms.CharField`` ex:: price = django_filters.LookupChoiceFilter( field_class=forms.DecimalField, lookup_choices=[ ('exact', 'Equals'), ('gt', 'Greater than'), ('lt', 'Less than'), ] ) """ field_class = forms.CharField outer_class = LookupChoiceField def __init__( self, field_name=None, lookup_choices=None, field_class=None, **kwargs ): self.empty_label = kwargs.pop("empty_label", settings.EMPTY_CHOICE_LABEL) super(LookupChoiceFilter, self).__init__(field_name=field_name, **kwargs) self.lookup_choices = lookup_choices if field_class is not None: self.field_class = field_class @classmethod def normalize_lookup(cls, lookup): """ Normalize the lookup into a tuple of ``(lookup expression, display value)`` If the ``lookup`` is already a tuple, the tuple is not altered. If the ``lookup`` is a string, a tuple is returned with the lookup expression used as the basis for the display value. ex:: >>> LookupChoiceFilter.normalize_lookup(('exact', 'Equals')) ('exact', 'Equals') >>> LookupChoiceFilter.normalize_lookup('has_key') ('has_key', 'Has key') """ if isinstance(lookup, str): return (lookup, pretty_name(lookup)) return (lookup[0], lookup[1]) def get_lookup_choices(self): """ Get the lookup choices in a format suitable for ``django.forms.ChoiceField``. If the filter is initialized with ``lookup_choices``, this value is normalized and passed to the underlying ``LookupChoiceField``. If no choices are provided, they are generated from the corresponding model field's registered lookups. """ lookups = self.lookup_choices if lookups is None: field = get_model_field(self.model, self.field_name) lookups = field.get_lookups() return [self.normalize_lookup(lookup) for lookup in lookups] @property def field(self): if not hasattr(self, "_field"): inner_field = super().field lookups = self.get_lookup_choices() self._field = self.outer_class( inner_field, lookups, label=self.label, empty_label=self.empty_label, required=self.extra["required"], ) return self._field def filter(self, qs, lookup): if not lookup: return super().filter(qs, None) self.lookup_expr = lookup.lookup_expr return super().filter(qs, lookup.value) class OrderingFilter(BaseCSVFilter, ChoiceFilter): """ Enable queryset ordering. As an extension of ``ChoiceFilter`` it accepts two additional arguments that are used to build the ordering choices. * ``fields`` is a mapping of {model field name: parameter name}. The parameter names are exposed in the choices and mask/alias the field names used in the ``order_by()`` call. Similar to field ``choices``, ``fields`` accepts the 'list of two-tuples' syntax that retains order. ``fields`` may also just be an iterable of strings. In this case, the field names simply double as the exposed parameter names. * ``field_labels`` is an optional argument that allows you to customize the display label for the corresponding parameter. It accepts a mapping of {field name: human readable label}. Keep in mind that the key is the field name, and not the exposed parameter name. Additionally, you can just provide your own ``choices`` if you require explicit control over the exposed options. For example, when you might want to disable descending sort options. This filter is also CSV-based, and accepts multiple ordering params. The default select widget does not enable the use of this, but it is useful for APIs. """ descending_fmt = _("%s (descending)") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ ``fields`` may be either a mapping or an iterable. ``field_labels`` must be a map of field names to display labels """ fields = kwargs.pop("fields", {}) fields = self.normalize_fields(fields) field_labels = kwargs.pop("field_labels", {}) self.param_map = {v: k for k, v in fields.items()} if "choices" not in kwargs: kwargs["choices"] = self.build_choices(fields, field_labels) kwargs.setdefault("label", _("Ordering")) kwargs.setdefault("help_text", "") kwargs.setdefault("null_label", None) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def get_ordering_value(self, param): descending = param.startswith("-") param = param[1:] if descending else param field_name = self.param_map.get(param, param) return "-%s" % field_name if descending else field_name def filter(self, qs, value): if value in EMPTY_VALUES: return qs ordering = [ self.get_ordering_value(param) for param in value if param not in EMPTY_VALUES ] return qs.order_by(*ordering) @classmethod def normalize_fields(cls, fields): """ Normalize the fields into an ordered map of {field name: param name} """ # fields is a mapping, copy into new OrderedDict if isinstance(fields, dict): return OrderedDict(fields) # convert iterable of values => iterable of pairs (field name, param name) assert isinstance( fields, Iterable ), "'fields' must be an iterable (e.g., a list, tuple, or mapping)." # fields is an iterable of field names assert all( isinstance(field, str) or isinstance(field, Iterable) and len(field) == 2 # may need to be wrapped in parens for field in fields ), "'fields' must contain strings or (field name, param name) pairs." return OrderedDict([(f, f) if isinstance(f, str) else f for f in fields]) def build_choices(self, fields, labels): ascending = [ (param, labels.get(field, _(pretty_name(param)))) for field, param in fields.items() ] descending = [ ("-%s" % param, labels.get("-%s" % param, self.descending_fmt % label)) for param, label in ascending ] # interleave the ascending and descending choices return [val for pair in zip(ascending, descending) for val in pair] class FilterMethod: """ This helper is used to override Filter.filter() when a 'method' argument is passed. It proxies the call to the actual method on the filter's parent. """ def __init__(self, filter_instance): self.f = filter_instance def __call__(self, qs, value): if value in EMPTY_VALUES: return qs return self.method(qs, self.f.field_name, value) @property def method(self): """ Resolve the method on the parent filterset. """ instance = self.f # noop if 'method' is a function if callable(instance.method): return instance.method # otherwise, method is the name of a method on the parent FilterSet. assert hasattr( instance, "parent" ), "Filter '%s' must have a parent FilterSet to find '.%s()'" % ( instance.field_name, instance.method, ) parent = instance.parent method = getattr(parent, instance.method, None) assert callable( method ), "Expected parent FilterSet '%s.%s' to have a '.%s()' method." % ( parent.__class__.__module__, parent.__class__.__name__, instance.method, ) return method